I have no more tears to waist,
Life is, but a,-"Fucked Up Place"...
I've lost,- "My Faith", it can't be found,
I don't feel, no love around...
I hear, - "Voices", from above,
Hurt is pain, but pain is love...
I hate to love, and love to hate,
Where is my,- "Soulmate"...
Hopeless, helpless, separated,
Not, - "In Love", I am still waiting...
Hide my anger with a frown,
Why, -" My Love", can not be found...
I am anxious, shaken, scared,
I'm fed up, with my,- "Affairs"...
Crying out, singing, yelling,
I don't know, how to be,- "Mellow"...
Damaged,- "Stomach",- "Liver",- "Splin",
I am, - "Fucked Up Girl", - Colline...
Life is, but a,-"Fucked Up Place",
I have no more tears to waist!

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